What is a Soul?


Evolutionary astrology takes a psycho-spiritual approach to astrology where we often refer to the 'Soul's Journey' and so it is important to investigate what is meant by the term 'soul'. In EA we can regard the soul as our unique portion of universal consciousness, that is eternal and will one day become united with ‘all that is’.


Until this time our soul is experiencing life by becoming repeatedly embodied within form, lifetime after lifetime, so that our soul can fully experience existence and our consciousness can grow. It is no surprise therefore that what defines humans is that we are natural storytellers!  

You could see the soul as an energetic entity with a unique vibrational signature and that as part of that entity enters this realm to evolve and grow in consciousness it is contributing to the experience of all. Indeed, in agreement with what the ancients tell us, and as science is now suggesting, we exist within a vast information field where everything is

‘uploaded’ or written into this field. This field can be seen at the Universal Mind and each of us, as sentient beings, is contributing to it.

Through the soul’s experience and its unique story, you could say we are all like a different song through which the Universe is singing in praise of itself!