Freewill or Fate: is our future predestined?
When we consider astrology the question of predestination often peeks its nebulous head above the parapet. We can wonder just how much free will we really have or if astrology is suggesting our life story is already written in stone? And certainly, throughout history the conundrum of free will versus fate has been debated, and today this debate continues in some circles....
However, instead of thinking in terms of either/or it may well be more helpful to think in terms of both, meaning there is fate and there is also freewill, because the greatest conundrums of life tend towards paradox where at some level both are true.
The astrological chart shows the characteristic energies with which each of us must work, and times when certain energies come to the fore. So, you could say it is our fate to have certain questions posed to us at certain times of our life. Yet within that we also have the freedom to make different responses to these questions, e.g., we could take the low road, or maybe make a more beneficial choice.
You might now think, wait, our freedom to choose is itself out of our hands, and we are already ‘programmed’ to make certain choices. And yes, to a great extent this is true as we are all subject to being unconsciously programmed by our upbringing, our schooling, our social circle, the prevailing cultural norms etc. all of which colour our perception, and is even wired into our very physiology. Yet throughout our life we will be presented with opportunities to broaden our perspective, stepping outside of what is already known so new potentials are presented and we can be transformed in some way.
Astrology is an excellent way to broaden and deepen our perspective inviting us to explore our potential. It provides us with a mirror through which we can better understand ourselves, and why our life has unfolded as it has, helping us to see new possibilities for the future. It can dramatically increase our consciousness of what is true for each of us, which is key for transformation!
You could say astrology helps us to navigate our journey more consciously, surfing the waves of possibility, and rather than thinking in terms of fate perhaps it is better to think in terms of the fulfilment of our destiny or dharma instead!